How to Develop High Potential Employees in 9 Steps
How to Develop High Potential Employees in 9 Steps
Leadership Skills

How to Develop High Potential Employees in 9 Steps

8 mins read

How to Develop High Potential Employees in 9 Steps

by Harrison Mitchel

Updated On Dec 26, 2023

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A high potential employee, often abbreviated as HiPo, represents a small yet incredibly significant portion of the workforce in any organization. These professionals are distinguished by their current performance and potential to handle more complex and higher-level tasks. They are usually characterized by a unique blend of skill, tenacity, and leadership qualities that make them stand out among their peers. Harvard Business Review says, "a high potential employee is usually in the top 5% of employees in an organization."

Organizations often seek to identify these high-potential employees early in their careers to provide them with targeted development opportunities. These employees are often groomed for leadership roles and are considered critical for the long-term health and growth of the company.

Here's a 9 step plan to help your high-potential employees become future leaders who drive innovation and business success.

1. Assess Strengths and Weaknesses

Recognizing and cultivating employees with exceptional potential is imperative for the sustained success of an organization. Before commencing any developmental endeavor, it is imperative to undertake a meticulous evaluation to comprehensively comprehend each employee's aptitudes, deficiencies, ambitions, and incentives. This step establishes the groundwork for crafting personalized development plans that align with the organization's objectives and the employee's professional ambitions.

Stages of Assessment:

Perform Comprehensive Evaluations

  • Employ various assessment techniques to collect varied viewpoints and comprehensively understand each employee's capabilities
  • Assess the performance of employees based on predetermined standards to identify their strengths and areas that need improvement
  • The 360-degree Assessments involve soliciting feedback from colleagues, managers, and external stakeholders to obtain valuable insights regarding an employee's interpersonal skills, leadership aptitude, and problem-solving capabilities
  • Personality assessments evaluate individual personality traits and behavioral tendencies to gain insight into an employee's motivations, work style, and potential conflict areas

Analyze and Determine Individual Proficiencies and Weaknesses

  • Identify the areas where the employee consistently displays outstanding performance, expertise, or talent.
  • Investigate domains where the employee may not yet have the chance to demonstrate their skills but possess inherent potential.
  • Identify the areas where the employee's performance is lacking or could be improved through additional training, mentorship, or skill development.
  • Make sure that individual development plans are customized to meet the employee's specific needs and are also in line with the strategic goals and objectives of the organization.

Aligning Employee Proficiencies with Organizational Requirements

  • Analyze how the employee's areas of expertise can be effectively harnessed to tackle the organization's present and future obstacles and enhance its achievements
  • Ensure that the employee's long-term career goals and aspirations align with the organization's trajectory by providing development opportunities that promote personal growth
  • Cultivate a common vision between the employee and the organization, guaranteeing that both entities are committed to the growth process

2. Provide Enrichment Courses

Investing in skill development is a strategic investment for the future, enabling talented employees to thrive.

Skill enrichment involves a variety of tactics aimed at broadening the knowledge and proficiency of workers who show outstanding potential. It requires the identification of skill gaps, the provision of targeted training opportunities, and the promotion of a culture of ongoing education. 

Businesses can obtain the following advantages by nurturing the abilities of professionals.

  • Heightened productivity and performance
  • Enhanced flexibility and creativity
  • Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making abilities
  • Improved employee engagement and retention

Strategies for Skill Enhancement

To enhance the abilities of talented employees, organizations can adopt a comprehensive strategy as below:

  • Determine Skill Deficiencies: Perform comprehensive evaluations to identify individual areas of expertise, limitations, and areas where skills are lacking. These methods may include evaluations of performance, comprehensive assessments from multiple perspectives, and evaluations conducted by professionals themselves.
  • Tailor-made Training Programs: Develop tailor-made training programs that specifically target and address those identified skill gaps. Possible options for professional development may encompass internal training programs, interactive seminars, web-based courses, specialized certifications, and guidance from experienced mentors.
  • Foster Independent Learning: Cultivate a culture that values independent learning by offering employees access to online resources, supporting their participation in professional conferences, and facilitating their pursuit of additional education.
  • Encourage Knowledge Dissemination: Inspire employees to share their recently acquired expertise and knowledge with their peers through presentations, workshops, or informal conversations. This generates a culture of cooperation and ongoing education.
  • Offer Constructive Criticism and Assistance: Deliver regular remarks to employees on their progress in developing their expertise and offer continuous support to ensure they fully utilize the training programs' advantages.
  • Assess and Analyze: Continuously evaluate the efficacy of the skill enhancement initiatives to determine areas for growth and verify that the programs comply with the business' strategic goals.

Leadership development programs, technical skills training, business communication skills training and presentation skills workshops, project management training, and cross-functional training are examples of skill enhancement programs businesses can utilize to inspire their talented professionals. These programs enable them to reach their full potential, drive innovation, enhance productivity, and propel the organization toward sustainable success.

3. Offer Candid Feedback

Constructive feedback is necessary for employee development as it delivers valuable insights that help professionals recognize improvement areas, strengthen employee skills, and reach their maximum potential. Firms can enable high-potential employees to excel in their positions and make significant contributions to organizational success through creating a culture of constant and constructive feedback.

Offer Candid Feedback
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Constructive feedback distinguishes itself from criticism by prioritizing the cultivation of development rather than solely highlighting deficiencies. The delivery of the message is characterized by a positive and supportive tone, accompanied by specific instances and practical recommendations for enhancement. 

Effective constructive feedback should possess the following characteristics:

  • Precise: The focus should be on particular behaviors, actions, or outcomes rather than making general or ambiguous statements.
  • Actionable: It ought to offer explicit and attainable recommendations for enhancement, enabling the individual to undertake tangible measures toward advancement.
  • Timely: Punctuality is crucial in delivering the item promptly, ensuring that the matter is still vivid in the memories of both the sender and recipient.
  • Equilibrium: It should encompass affirmative reinforcement of strengths and areas for enhancement.
  • Delivered with Respect: Communication should be conveyed with empathy, thoughtfulness, and regard for the individual.

4. Reinforcement Learning

Employee training and development can benefit significantly from applying reinforcement learning (RL), an artificial intelligence concept. It is a system that stimulates desired behaviors and results. RL can be used to set up a training environment where staff members get instant feedback on what they've done. For instance, an RL system could mimic customer interactions in a sales training program and offer instant feedback and incentives for the successful closing of deals or effective communication. This method encourages workers to learn by doing and constantly improve their skills in response to praise.

The core principles of RL can be efficiently customized to create tailored development programs for high-potential employees. Organizations can foster a dynamic learning experience by conceptualizing the development process as an interaction between an agent (the employee) and an environment (the training context).

Primary Benefits of Reinforcement Learning-based Employee Development

  • Personalized Learning: Reinforcement learning algorithms can customize training based on the individual employee's strengths, weaknesses, and preferred learning methods.
  • Adaptive Development: Reinforcement Learning (RL) can dynamically modify training procedures by considering employee performance and feedback, thereby guaranteeing optimal learning outcomes.
  • Immediate Feedback: Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers prompt feedback, enabling employees to enhance their skills and strategies in real time.
  • Goal-oriented Learning: Reinforcement Learning (RL) facilitates the alignment of individual learning and development with organizational objectives, thereby emphasizing on achieving organizational goals.

5. Create a Personal Development Track

Each professional exhibits distinct attributes, including unique skill sets, preferred learning methods, and professional ambitions. Identifying and fostering these unique characteristics is crucial for developing high-potential employees (HiPos) and, as a result, the organization's prosperity. Customized development pathways are an effective tool for attaining this objective.

Key Components of Personalized Development Tracks:

1. Customized Educational Paths:

Personalized development tracks are implemented instead of a generic approach, allowing for the creation of customized learning paths for each high-potential individual. Consequently, HiPos undergo rigorous training to leverage their strengths and interests. For instance, a High Potential (HiPo) individual with a talent for strategic thinking could gain advantages from participating in advanced leadership courses. In contrast, another HiPo individual with exceptional technical skills could achieve outstanding results through specialized technical training.

2. Adaptable Educational Choices:

Professionals exhibit varying learning styles and, correspondingly, possess distinct preferences for the pace at which they acquire knowledge. Certain high-potential individuals excel in dynamic and demanding settings, while others find adopting a slower and contemplative approach advantageous. Personalized development tracks cater to individual preferences by providing diverse learning modalities, including self-paced online courses, interactive workshops, and practical projects. This diversity guarantees that all high-potential individuals can acquire knowledge and skills effectively and efficiently.

3. Perpetual Feedback and Adaptability:

Customized growth pathways are dynamic, adapting to the specific requirements of high-potential individuals and aligning with the organization's objectives. Regular evaluations, appraisals, and feedback sessions offer chances to evaluate advancement, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and adapt the educational trajectory accordingly. This iterative process guarantees that high-potential individuals receive the most pertinent and advantageous training during their developmental progression.

4. Learning Propelled by Technology:

Technology is essential for improving the customization of development paths. AI-powered educational platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS) examine learning patterns, monitor progress, and recommend customized content and resources. This degree of personalization guarantees that high-potential individuals (HiPos) receive the most efficient and captivating learning encounter possible.

5. Pursuing Career Goals:

Personalized development tracks prioritize the enhancement of skills for the company's advantage and consider the individual's career aspirations. HiPos are strongly encouraged to establish personal career objectives and synchronize their development strategy with those objectives. The dual focus of HiPos helps them maintain motivation and engagement, as they know that their development directly contributes to their long-term career success.

Implementing customized development pathways is a strategic investment in the future of high-potential individuals and the organization. Firms can expedite their growth, enhance their engagement, and ultimately propel their overall business success by acknowledging and fostering the distinctiveness of high-potential individuals.

6. Assign a Mentor

Professionals expect their mentors to be their guide, role model in the future endeavors, at the same time, every mentee needs a performance coach, a professional friend, a thinking partner, and a challenger. Knowledgeable and experienced mentors offer invaluable guidance to their mentees as they navigate the complexities of professional challenges and skill development.

This form of mentorship surpasses conventional training by providing mentees with individualized advice, assistance, and perspectives that empower them to navigate intricate circumstances, broaden their repertoire of abilities, and progress professionally. 

Through the strategic pairing of high-potential employees with experienced mentors, organizations can cultivate a mentorship culture and augment each individual's capabilities. This culture is fundamental to developing talent and substantially contributes to the organization's overall achievement.

Identification of Potential Mentors

Appropriate mentor candidate selection is critical to the success of a mentoring program. Mentors considered ideal possess a combination of profound industry expertise, strong leadership capabilities, and exceptional communication aptitude. A comprehensive comprehension of the organization's complexities and the distinct responsibilities of their mentees is imperative. 

Mentors must demonstrate robust leadership attributes, such as the capacity to inspire, direct, and motivate. It is anticipated that their aptitude for communication will empower them to proficiently express intricate concepts and foster a solid connection with their mentees. Prioritizing authentic dedication to cultivating progress and advancement in individuals is critical, necessitating mentors to allocate substantial time and exertion to the mentoring alliance. The amalgamation of knowledge, guidance, and commitment establishes the groundwork for a productive mentor-mentee relationship.

Matching mentors and mentees necessitates a deliberate examination of multiple elements to guarantee the objectives' compatibility and congruence. Providing mentors whose expertise and skill sets align with the mentees' career aspirations and developmental requirements is paramount. Communication and personality trait compatibility are critical for forming a constructive and fruitful mentoring alliance. 

Mentors ought to comprehensively understand the mentee's industry and the organization's culture, as this information is essential for delivering pertinent and specific guidance. By guaranteeing these congruences, the mentorship program can cultivate substantial connections that contribute to the individual and vocational advancement of high-potential staff, thus augmenting the overarching talent development strategy of the organization.

7. Encourage Cross-Functional Collaboration

Encouraging Cross-Functional Collaboration is a critical component in the development of high-potential employees. This approach broadens the employees' understanding and experience beyond their immediate roles, fostering a more comprehensive view of the organization's operations and objectives.

By interacting with peers from different departments, high-potential employees can gain unique insights, learn new skills, and develop innovative solutions that may not be apparent within the silo of their primary function. This not only enhances their personal growth and adaptability but also encourages the development of a robust internal network, which is invaluable for future leadership roles.

On a personal level, engaging in cross-functional projects allows employees to identify and refine their interpersonal and leadership skills in diverse settings, increasing their self-awareness and confidence. They can also discover new areas of interest or hidden talents, which contributes to higher job satisfaction and retention.

For the organization, promoting cross-functional collaboration leads to a more agile and responsive workforce. Employees who understand different aspects of the business can better align their goals with the organization's strategic objectives, leading to more cohesive and effective teams. This integration fosters innovation, as ideas from various domains merge to create novel solutions.

In terms of ROI on high-potential employee development, encouraging cross-functional collaboration maximizes the investment by not only accelerating the individual's growth but also by directly benefiting the organization through improved performance, innovation, and employee engagement. These employees are likely to become versatile leaders who understand various aspects of the business, making them invaluable assets for strategic planning and execution. The ripple effect of their enhanced performance and leadership can significantly boost overall organizational effectiveness and competitiveness, leading to a better return on investment in the long term.

8. Monitor Progress and Adjust Strategies

Monitoring progress and adjusting strategies is crucial in nurturing high-potential employees. This step ensures their development aligns with both personal career goals and the evolving needs of the organization. By regularly tracking progress, these individuals gain clarity on their achievements and areas for improvement, enhancing their motivation and job satisfaction. It helps them understand their growth trajectory, fostering a sense of accomplishment and commitment.

From an organizational and team perspective, focusing on high-potential employee development through monitoring and adjusting strategies ensures that these key individuals are groomed in alignment with organizational objectives and team needs. It allows the organization to quickly adapt to shifts and market changes by cultivating leaders who can navigate and lead through these changes effectively. This targeted development is critical for succession planning, ensuring a pipeline of ready leaders who understand and can advance the company's strategic goals.

Additionally, as high-potential employees engage in cross-functional and team-based projects, they foster a culture of continuous improvement, leadership, and accountability. Their drive and innovative mindset become a catalyst for team growth and adaptability, encouraging all members to rise to new challenges and collaborate more effectively. This focus not only enhances the capability and performance of individual teams but also ensures that the entire organization is more agile, resilient, and prepared for the future, with a strong cadre of leaders ready to steer the organization towards continued success.

Overall, this step enhances the ROI of high-potential employee development by ensuring that individual growth translates into organizational and team success. The organization benefits from a more engaged, skilled workforce, better team performance, and leaders who are well-equipped to drive future success, leading to improved organizational outcomes and a stronger competitive position.

9. Treat HiPos as Investments

High-potential employees (HiPos) are strategic assets who can propel an organization towards future success and innovation and be valuable team members. The HiPos are considered as investments by acknowledging their potential influence on the long-term objectives and expansion of the organization, such as financial investments, generating high returns from HiPos requires time, resources, and strategic cultivation. By shifting the emphasis from short-term training to a long-term developmental journey, the investment perspective ensures that HiPos' growth aligns with the organization's strategic objectives.

By investing in HiPos, one must provide them with more than rudimentary training programs. The process entails formulating individualized development plans tailored to the professional's unique capabilities, professional goals, and potential impact on the organization. A customized strategy may encompass specialized instruction, leadership cultivation initiatives, and prospects for arduous assignments or positions that test their aptitudes. Organizations should support processes that nurture the competencies of professionals and work towards professional development plans.

Companies must establish performance metrics that assess the efficacy of their training and development endeavors about the impact of HiPos on the business. Metrics could encompass advancements in innovation, contributions to strategic projects, or improvements in leadership competencies. Consistent investment is crucial; progress should not be regarded as a singular occurrence but rather as a continuous procedure that adjusts to the evolving requirements of the HiPo and the shifting dynamics of the corporate environment.

High-potential employees thrive and feel appreciated in an environment that fosters continuous learning. They will also contribute to the teams when an organization provides consistent feedback, acknowledges accomplishments, and gives visibility to their contributions. This culture not only confers advantages upon the HiPos but also establishes a standard of distinction and motivation for the remaining staff.


A company's success depends on its employees' talent and potential. High-potential personnel (HiPos) catalyze progress, and achievement. Investing in their growth represents a duty and a commitment to the organization's long-term success.

Using Edstellar’s all-encompassing corporate training courses, organizations can enable teams to discern, cultivate, and liberate the complete capabilities of their personnel, thereby establishing a foundation for the success of any business.

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