Top 10 In-Demand Skills in Australia in 2024
In-Demand Skills

Top 10 In-Demand Skills in Australia in 2024

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Top 10 In-Demand Skills in Australia in 2024

by Kevin Arlen

Updated On Aug 01, 2024

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The Australian job market is evolving at a high pace. Especially after the COVID-19 Pandemic and AI Breakthrough, the creation of new jobs is on the rise.

According to a report by ACS, technical advancements based on the fourth industrial revolution will create an additional 5.6 million new jobs over the course of 15 years.

Also, almost one-fourth of these new jobs will be in technology-related domains.

The data on skilled jobs prepared by the NCS shows that the Australian job market needs skilled workers in various fields such as programming, accountancy, nursing, and much more. 

Which Skills Are In-demand in Australia?

Australian businesses are actively seeking individuals with an advanced technical skillset, creativity, and leadership skills.

In-demand in Australia
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Based on thorough research and latest recruitment trends in Australia, 10 skills are considered hot favorites among various industries ranging from IT sector to healthcare. Here are the top ten most sought-after skills in Australia.

1. Software Programming Skills

Programming has always been a hot skill in the Australian market. However, the reports by Oxford Economics and Cisco found out that nearly half of the new programmers in Australia lack technology design and programming knowledge. 

Furthermore, the Australian Digital Pulse Report predicts that Australian employers will have to recruit more professionals to keep up with the shortage of programmers and testers. 

In short, the demand for coders, system analyzers, and testers is increasing rapidly. Hence, if you are a budding programmer who knows no-code programming or an expert developer, Australia has a lot to offer you.

Software Programming Skills

Software Programming Skills

Software Development Training

Learn how to solve the most complex coding problems in less time. Find the best methodology for your projects.

(5) | 700+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Problem solving, coding, full stack development

2. Data Analysis Skills

Companies in Australia are embracing skilled professionals who can help them make business decisions based on data. For instance, a National Skills Commission ranks data analysts and ICT business analysts on one of the annual skill priority lists.

And, for an entry-level job, a data analyst can earn up to $90,479 a year in Australia.

Despite it being a high-paying job, the data found that there is a severe shortage of personnel in different provinces in Australia, such as NSW, Victoria, and Queensland. In this trade, hands-on experience with tools such as Tableau and Power BI can be very useful.

Data Analysis Skills

Data Analysis Skills

Data Analytics Training

Enhance your ability to analyze and present data with our Data Analytics & Visualization Training course. Develop expertise in data interpretation and visualization techniques.

(5) | 700+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Data analysis, Data visualization, SQL, Data Mining

3. Nursing and Healthcare

The healthcare sector employs a large chunk of people in Australia. In fact, 1 in every 7 people in the Australian workforce is associated with healthcare or nursing. Still, Australia needs more nurses to serve its population. One of the main reasons is their aging population. 

The Australian Institute of Health & Welfare found that the average age of Australian citizens is likely to increase by 21-23% of the population by the year 2066.

Further, reports concluded that nearly 42.9% of people aged between 16 and 85 have faced mental health issues at least once, which is why the demand for empathy and leadership-oriented nurses is increasing in the country.

Nursing and Healthcare

Nursing and Healthcare

Health and Well-Being Training

Learn to provide compassionate and effective patient care in diverse healthcare settings.

(5) | 700+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Patient communication, Cultural competence, Emotional regulation, Compassionate care

4. Childcare

An average Australian family spends close to $6,000 out of pocket per year on child care. Further, because of the Government of Australia's assistance in childcare schemes and subsidies, more and more people in Australia seek childcare professionals. And this is precisely why it is in demand in Australia.

Even in the near future, the sector is expected to employ a high number of professionals. Therefore, if you are an empathetic child care expert with relevant experience, Australia can be the best option for you.

5. AI and Machine Learning

Many countries around the world are observing the rapid AI wave, and Australia is no different. According to a report by the Tech Council of Australia, AI will create nearly 200,000 jobs by the end of 2030. These jobs will not only be related to technical but also non tech domains like HR, project management, advertising, etc.

The demand for workers to support the development and adoption of AI and ML technologies is growing. Hence, it is the best time to become familiar with AI and Machine learning.

AI and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning Training

Learn how to implement AI and machine learning algorithms with our Machine Learning Training course.

(5) | 300+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Problem solving, Machine learning, Data analysis, Model building

6. Project Management

The PMI's Talent Gap report concluded that each year, 2.3 million professionals will be needed to fill the Project Management positions expected to open by 2030, especially in Asia-Pacific regions.

This big change simply needs more contributions from professionals with enhanced knowledge of project management life cycles and much more.

Despite this surge, Australian regions seek professionals who can make better decisions and solve real-world problems.

Project Management

Project Management

Project Management Training

Learn how to manage your teams effectively with our project management course.

(5) | 300+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Problem solving, leadership.

7. Construction Engineering

With an increase in commercial and residential buildings in Australia, this sector is expected to reach $38.71 Billion by 2024. However, it is expected that the market will need more skilled construction engineers who can work with 3D printing to create virtual reality and augmented reality. 

The more tools and modern construction principles you are familiar with, the more chances of growth you have in the Australian construction market. 

Further, with improved environmental consciousness among people, job seekers with hands-on experience in sustainable construction projects would have a competitive edge over the ones with traditional practices.

Construction Engineering

Construction Engineering

Design Training

Learn to design, manage, and oversee construction projects with precision and efficiency.

(5) | 300+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

CAD drafting, 3D Modeling, Construction documentation, and Layer management

8. Finance

Technology and the Future of Australian Jobs forecast employment growth in the Finance sector. Since some non-routine and cognitive tasks, such as data interpretation and advice, can not be automated, the experts project high recruitment in these high-paying sectors.

Further, the same report found that demand for finance managers and bank tellers is likely to increase by 10% or more. Therefore, amidst the automation wave, finance has still emerged as a hot skill for at least one more decade.



Finance and Accounting Training

Learn various finance terminologies and how to help your organization in taking finance related decisions.

(5) | 300+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Problem solving

9. Cybersecurity

Since a large number of businesses in Australia operate online and move workloads to cloud services, the data leak risks have increased. As per Robert Half  Management Consulting,  the high demands of cybersecurity executives are due to the skill gap and the increasing number of high-profile data leak incidents. 

For an Australian market an ideal cybersecurity expert must have relevant cyber-security experience, experience in incident response and problem solving skills that can defend a company's infrastructure from hackers.



Cybersecurity Training

Learn how to defend your company from online threats and attacks with our in-depth cybersecurity course.

(5) | 300+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Network security, Risk management, Cyber threat detection

10. Soft Skills

As more and more job activities across Australia become increasingly automated or replaced by technological tools, companies are looking for workers who can solve problems, juggle larger responsibilities, and work well with others.

Hays, a leading recruitment agency in Australia, surveyed around 3500 employers and found that 81% of the employers said teamwork as the most important soft skill. Followed by problem-solving (79%), communication (74%), adaptability (70%), critical thinking (63%), time management (60%), and emotional intelligence (53%.)

Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Soft Skills Training

Enhance your contribution to team with the required soft skills to enhance empathy and customer loyalty

(5) | 500+ Members Trained | Instructed-led

Other Courses

Skills You Will Build

Language skills, leadership, interpersonal skills

Best Sources for Developing High-Demand Skills in Australia?

As the demand for specific skills in Australia continues to grow, enhancing your abilities to align with market needs is essential. Listed below are some top sources for developing in-demand skills that can advance your career in Australia.

Vocational Training with TAFE (Technical and Further Education)

Vocational training through Technical and Further Education (TAFE) is a highly effective way to improve your skills in Australia. Unlike traditional education, which covers many subjects, vocational training focuses on helping you master specific skills quickly. One of the major advantages of TAFE programs is their blend of classroom instruction with practical, hands-on experience. As a learner, you will work with industry-relevant tools, machinery, and technology, giving you the experience needed to succeed in your chosen field. TAFE institutions often collaborate closely with employers, ensuring the skills you learn align with current industry needs.

Upon completing your course, you receive a nationally recognized qualification, which employers in Australia highly value. This certificate boosts your employability within Australia and opens up opportunities in other countries. Whether you want to enter the workforce, change careers, or advance in your current role, TAFE’s vocational training programs provide a solid pathway to achieving your goals.

Australian Apprenticeships

Australian Apprenticeships offer a strategic advantage in cultivating a highly skilled team while supporting individual and overall team development. This program integrates formal education with practical, on-the-job training, ensuring that apprentices acquire industry-relevant skills directly contributing to success. Australian Apprenticeships are tailored to meet the specific demands of various industries, including trades, engineering, healthcare, and IT.

By participating in this program, businesses can leverage valuable incentives, enhance employee retention, and build a pipeline of talent equipped with nationally recognized qualifications. The program's flexibility and support ensure that apprentices receive the training they need to succeed, contributing to Australia's skilled labor market.


Jobs in the Australian market are expected to see several changes in the coming years, largely due to automation. Therefore, the need for upskilling is now higher than ever before. 

To increase your chances of getting the highest-paying jobs in Australia, selecting the right learning method and being consistent in learning any skill is important. If your company is working towards developing your employees' skills, Edstellar is an excellent partner. As a leading corporate training platform, Edstellar offers a wide range of courses tailored to the demands of the Australian job market, from programming and data analysis to business management and cybersecurity.

With over 2,000 industry experts guiding the training, Edstellar provides both on-site and online options, making it easy to address upskilling and reskilling challenges across various professional disciplines. Trusted by global giants like Kellogg, Amazon, and Johnson & Johnson, Edstellar ensures your workforce remains competitive by delivering high-quality, industry-specific training that is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and advancements.

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